Her words are Not Vanishing as she leaves her howl inside us was a project that brought together selected works of Ma-Nee Chacaby, Aiyyana Maracle, and Chrystos; gathering three Indigenous grandmothers around a fire, laughing, telling stories, reading poetry, and speaking of love and heartbreak. All three of these grandmothers have paved different fire paths for younger generations of two-spirit/queer/trans/non-binary/gay/lesbian/dyke folks in their own lineages.The show was installed at Artspeak Gallery with the support of Director and curator Bopha Chay.
Aiyyana Maracle, Chrystos, MA-nee Chacaby
Her words are Not Vanishing as she leaves her howl inside us MA-NEE CHACABY, AIYYANA MARACLE, CHRYSTOS January 18–February 29, 2020